Hessischer Bildungsserver / Grundschulen in Hessen

LRS-Projekt: Partner gesucht!

Dieser Beitrag ist abgelaufen: 11. März 2006 00:00

Wir suchen Menschen, die an Institutionen der Lehrerbildung im europäischen Ausland arbeiten. Sie sollten interessiert sein an einem Austausch über den Schriftspracherwerb von Grundstufenschülerinnen und -schülern. Unsere Absicht ist es, Methoden, Materialien und Medien aus anderen Ländern zur Prävention von Schwierigkeiten im Erwerb des Lesens und Schreibens kennenzulernen und gemeinsam weiterzuentwickeln. Mit dem folgenden Text in englischer Sprache hoffen wir, Partner zu erreichen. Sollten Sie jemanden kennen, der sich für einen Austausch zu diesem Thema im Rahmen des Comenius-Programms der Europäischen Union (Comenius 2.1, Lehreraus- und -fortbildung) interessiert, würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie den Text weiterleiten würden.


Activity Network for The Improvement of Literacy and Orthography in Primary schools

We seek partners in Europe for mutual projects in the field of teaching reading and writing. ANTILOPI is intended to be a Comenius 2.1 project for continuing education of teachers in primary schools. Its goal is to foster literacy and orthography.

The main target of our project are pupils with dyslexia. In general we are interested in exchanging our educational methods, materials and media with you. You should be working at an institution for teacher education or cooperate with one to be qualified for the project's aims and financial resources.

We offer you insight in "best practice" at three of our schools and how to avoid difficulties with reading and writing in primary schools. We particularly wish to learn more about your country's approach towards teaching reading and writing and preventing dyslexia. We call one of our existing school project MoNa. It is located in the south of Frankfurt/ Main. It develops a network of schools that will improve the pedagogical approaches concerning reading and writing in a specifically designed curriculum. This school of "best practice" is located in Höchst in the Odenwald. It is a role model in approaching dyslexia. The second school intends to train teachers to become specialists for teaching pupils reading and writing. Preventing dyslexia is achieved by teacher training and the development of educational materials and services. The third institution coordinates educational and psychological services for children and their families. All institutions are deeply interested in learning from other experiences.

Questions of European concern would be:

  • How to integrate pupils with a foreign language
  • How to deal with media, methods and materials in school lessons
  • How to integrate counselling services and remedial courses in schools and out of schools
  • How to teach reading and writing in the field of special education
  • How to establish courses of reading and writing in primary schools and in teacher education

ANTILOP will aim at the integration of pupils with educational needs in primary schools. The ministry of education in the federal state of Hesse, in Germany, coordinates the project. It would be our mission to enhance the knowledge and develop materials for other schools. Developing a network of primary schools which collaborate in the task of exploring new ways to better teach reading and writing.

We would be delighted to invite you and members of your institution of teacher education to participate in an international conference in Frankfurt/ Main, Germany next year. At the Preparatory Visit we will develop a mutual project plan for Comenius 2.1. This conference is scheduled for January 2002. If you are interested in participating, please contact us by November 2001. The European Union assists in covering travel expenses, hotel accommodations and food expenses for European educators participating in this conference.

My address is as follows:

Hessisches Kultusministerium
Referat II B 2
Frau Regierungsdirektorin Birgid Oertel
Luisenplatz 10
65185 Wiesbaden
Fon: +49-611-368-22 19
Fax: +49-611-368-20 99

| 26.1.2004